“Hey bro, guess what? I played this awesome new game at the uber cool cybercafé near my house” declared a 12-year-old to his friend.
In today’s digital world, when penetration of internet is inevitable; we often see children accessing parents’ digital devices without proper surveillance and may run the risk of being trapped without parental monitoring. Online activities are an integral part of our young ones’ lives and they undoubtedly spend most of their waking hours browsing the net, to study, to gather information, socialize, or play games. Children tend to learn everything offered by visual communication-based media. In this fast-growing world, what is worrisome is the unsafe cyber environment and thus it is imperative to be vigilant and keep a tab on our children’s cyber activities.
Several cyber games are rampant in today’s world which encourage young children to take up life-threatening challenges and lure kids easily as they promise a certain ‘thrill’ which is missing at home and school. How does one protect children from the multitude of internet dangers? Cyber predators are lurking in every corner and are ready to pounce at the next given chance. The virtual world is extremely enticing for the young generation, online friends seem to be closer to heart, than our relations in the physical world.
As mentors, we recognise the importance of internet and realise that it isn’t advisable to keep our children off the internet. Our endeavour is to guide our children and try and make the cyber space and its use invulnerable for them.
Empyrean School organised a cybercrime awareness workshop for the parents to help them guide and safeguard their children from cyber bullies. The workshop was chaired by Mr. Suresh Swami, Retired Assistant Commissioner of Police Cyber Cell, Navi Mumbai. The central focus of the workshop was to monitor and undertake safety measure to protect children from cyber predators and life-threatening cyber games.
The session also addressed the problems of cyber fraud and measures to be taken in case of such deception.
Let us all join hands and be vigilant and monitor our children’s cyber activities. As parents, let us befriend our kids and not distance them as strict guardians. Our kids shouldn’t ever need any unknown virtual confidante. Let us spend some time off the digital world and read a book or play sport together. Let us all digitally detox!